What are Shin Splints?

Shin splints are a medical condition in which a person experiences pain in the legs usually during or after physical activity. It is usually a dull ache and can represent an inflammation of muscles in the legs due to a change in the athlete's running surface or workout intensity. It may be a sign of a stress fracture of the leg bone (tibia). Runners and dancers are common plagued with this problem.

Treatment includes the use of foot orthotics, new shoes, or change in running surface. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also help. Seeking medical attention may be necessary for x-rays to rule out a stress fracture.

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If would like more information, please contact us. Give Gaston Foot & Ankle Shin splints are a medical condition in which a person experiences pain in the legs usually during or after physical activity. It is usually a dull ache and can represent an inflammation of muscles in the legs due to a change in the athlete's running surface or workout intensity. It may be a sign of a stress fracture of the leg bone (tibia). Runners and dancers are common plagued with this problem.

Treatment includes the use of foot orthotics, new shoes, or change in running surface. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also help. Seeking medical attention may be necessary for x-rays to rule out a stress fracture.

If would like more information, please contact us. Or give Gaston Foot & Ankle Specialists a call 704-861-0425 to schedule your appointment today! a call 704-861-0425 to schedule your appointment today!

Gaston Foot & Ankle Specialists

251 Wilmot Drive
Gastonia, NC 28054